探秘大温地区公园系列:Boundary Bay (国界湾)

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Boundary Bay Regional Park (国界湾地区公园)并不是缺乏知名度的公园。大温居民多多少少都听说过、甚至都到过公园最出名的地标:那一望无际水平如镜的海滩-Centennial Beach(百年纪念海滩)。这个海滩的正对面隔海相望的是白石镇(White Rock)的弯月沙滩(Crescent Beach)。

Crescent Beach Concession
Crescent Beach Concession



wheelchair accessible trail at Centennial Beach
Wheelchair accessible trail at Centennial Beach


Boundary Bay Beach shellfish
Boundary Bay Beach Shellfishes
holes and tracks left by sea snails
holes and tracks on the beach left by sea snails


clam diggers on the beach at Boundary Bay
people clamming on the beach
reflection of the sky on water on the Centennial Beach
Centennial Beach reflections
People strolling on Centennial Beach
People strolling on Centennial Beach


Boundary Bay Regional Park sign board
Boundary Bay Regional Park sign board


grass growing in the arid soil
unique grass growing in the arid seaside sand dune


Wild flowers on the Centennial Beach
Wild flowers Centennial Beach


Trail along ecology protection area Boundary Bay
Trail along the ecology protection area Boundary Bay


St. Johns Wort on the trail
St. John’s Wort flowers blooming on the trail
Fireweed on the trail Boundary Bay
Fireweed on the trail Boundary Bay
Puget Sound gumweed unique to Oregon, Washington and BC
Puget Sound Gumweed
creeping thistle on the trail
Creeping thistle (Canadian Thistle) on the trail, good pollinator but invasive specie
Yellow toadflax blooming
Yellow toadflax in blooming


trail through the swampy area with overgrowth softstem bulrus h
trail through the dense softstem bulrush growing area
Schoenoplectus tabernaemotani (softstem bulrush) brushes at Boundary Bay
shortstem Bulrush brushes over-grown Boundary Bay


Bird tower Boundary Bay
Bird Tower at Boundary Bay on the trail


Wild wheat wavering in the wind
wild wheat patch at Boundary Bay

国界湾一带冲积平原土地肥沃一直是农业盛行的地区,百多年来也一直是温哥华人的度假后花园。坐落在公园入口处那座爱德华式乡村大屋Cammidge House就是1914年建成的农场屋。这个地区公园中也曾经有过农场,旧时的苹果树岁岁年年开花结果而古人早已随风而逝。果实成了野鸟的食物:

Old orchard remnant
Old orchard remnant
Apple trees the remnant of the old farm
Apple trees on the remnant of the farm


Blackberry flowers
blackberry flowers


sweet peas at Boundary Bay Park
Sweet peas at Boundary Bay Park


Towhee singing atop a tree
Towhee singing atop a tree
wild hares at Boundary Bay
Wild hares at Boundary Bay

如果不打算野餐挖贝而是在国界湾地区公园看看风景走走徒步道,大约1.5-2小时足够。建议既然走了很远的路往那个方向去了顺便逛逛几个地方:Tsawwassen Mill 原住民拥有的大型购物中心、优雅可爱的Ladner 渔村(有渔人码头、超级好看的水边房子、精品店、杂货屋、古董铺子等)、Westham Island(好多有趣的农场,还有George C. Reifel 候鸟保护区)。